
Registration for International Participants

Early Registration
until September 5, 2018
Late Registration
from September 6 until October 15, 2018
On-site Registration
from October 16, 2018 & on-site
Participants – Physicians and scientists € 540 € 590 € 640
Residents*, trainees, nurses, students € 415 € 470 € 510

*Residents, trainees, nurses and students will be required to present documentation confirming status when picking up the registration name badge on-site.

Registration for French Participants

Daily Registration Full Registration
€ 150 € 290

Registration for Pre Congress Courses

Early Registration
Until October 15th
Late Registration
From October 16th
€ 120 € 150
Registration & Accommodation Online Form

Participants who register for the CoGEN congress are welcome to attend the XI Ovarian Club Meeting (OC) (Paris, France, 02-03/11/2018) at no additional cost. Click here.

Registration fee includes
Participation in scientific sessions, lunch and coffee breaks, invitation to welcome reception and all printed meeting material.

Payment of registration fee can be made through this website using a credit card or by bank transfer to the Secretariat.
Payment by bank transfer – all transaction fees should be paid by the sender.

Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be faxed, electronically mailed or postmarked. Refund of registration fee will be as follows:
Postmarked before September 5, 2018- 100% refund (minus € 50 handling fee)
Postmarked from September 6, 2018- 50% refund
No refund on cancellations sent after October 15, 2018

The Meeting Secretariat and Organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents, and/or loss of and/or damage to private property of participants, either during or directly arising from the 5th CoGEN Congress. Participants should arrange their own health and travel insurance for their trip.
For information regarding accommodation please click here.

For further information please contact:
Shany Rabinovich
Registration & Accommodation